Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association


31 Pickwick Drive
N8H 4T5

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The Mennonites in Essex and Kent Counties have had a strong historical awareness ever since their arrival in 1925. A joint history committee was established by the Leamington United Mennonite Church and the North Leamington United Mennonite Church in the early 1970s to preserve their history. The committee published a picture of the church family in 1984 and became actively involved in organizing programs and preserving artifacts.

The Heritage Centre, operated by the Essex-Kent Mennonite Historical Association, was established on the second floor of the Heritage Gardens Apartments at 31 Pickwick Drive in Leamington.  Today the Heritage Centre contains many artifacts which include photographs, documents, books, magazines, journals, and many personal and household items. As well, the Centre contains a collection of videos, slide presentations, and booklets that have been produced locally. It is staffed by volunteers and is open year round on a half time basis. In the past, the Canada Employment Centre has provided funding to employ a student for the summer months to assist in research and archival work.

In addition to operating the Heritage Centre, the EKMHA has sponsored programs, conducted bus tours, and hosted an annual fund raising dinner. The Historical Association maintains an active membership of about 150 individuals each year, representing most of the Mennonite churches in Essex and Kent. Memberships are available for fifteen dollars per person or thirty dollars per couple on a yearly basis.

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